Endemics of the Atlantic Rainforest

From cloudy mountains to lowland forest on the coast, this tour offers colorful birds and endemic rarities in a major biodiversity hotspot.

Availability: Year round

Gateway City: São Paulo (GRU airport) or Rio de Janeiro)

Duration: 4 to 14 days

Group size: Max 8 people

Departures: Daily

What to expect: good food and accommodation, easy to steep terrain, moderate walks, warm to cool climate

Overview Birding in Southern Brazil – Atlantic Rainforest

“colorful birds, endemic rarities and breathtaking landscapes”

Located in the heart of a vast mountain range, Itatiaia National Park is the first Brazilian national park and one of the most famous birding spots in the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. Once we get in the Park, we will drive up the mountain towards our hotel, making a few stops for some special birds. During this drive we might see some colorful jewels such as Green-headed, Gilt-edged and Burnished-buff Tanager.

The park is also home for Spot-winged Wood-Quail, Red-breasted Toucan, Giant Antshrike, White-bearded Antshrike, Black-legged Dacnis, Squamate Antbird, Buffy-fronted Seedeater and Temminck’s Seedeaters and myriads of Antbirds, Woodcreepers, Foliage-gleaners, Flycatchers and Tyranulets, that we might see as we walk the trails or roads close to the lodge.

Down to the coast, Ubatuba is one of the most beautiful coastal areas in Brazil, where the remaining Atlantic Rain Forest blankets the land from the mountain-tops down to sea level. Here we can get up to ten species of hummingbirds, including Saw-billed Hermit, Festive Coquete, White-chinned Safire and Swallow-tailed Hummingbird. Green-headed Tanager, Green Honeycreeper, Violaceous Euphonia and Brazilian Tanager regularly come to the feeders. Walking the trails in the region will give us opportunities for Black-cheeked Gnateater, Scaled Antbird, Rufous-capped Antthrush, Channel-billed Toucan, Fork-tailed Tody-flycatcher, Red-necked Tanager, Spotted Bamboowren, Long-billed Wren, Spot-breasted Antvireo, Slaty Bristlefront, Blond-crested Woodpecker and White-tailed Trogon.

Highlights: Dozens of endemics, Tanagers, Hummingbirds, Antpittas, great food and accommodation, easy access.
This tour is easily combined with other birding sites and sightseeing trips in Rio de Janeiro, Iguassu Falls, etc.

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