
Learning Trips

It is always an honor to organize such trips related to conservation, sustainability and better practices for the agriculture industry in our country. 

Availability: Year round

Gateway City: Up to your needs

Duration: Generarly 3 to 4 days, accordingly with your needs

Group size: As per your needs

Departures: Accordingly with the required Agenda

What to expect: Know-how to build the right Agenda accordingly with what is required

It is always an honor to organize such trips related to conservation, sustainability and better practices for the agriculture industry in our country.

In 2018 we organized the first expedition for the WWF, when we took ecologists, researchers, farmers and artists to the Pantanal to visit the Paraguay river from its source down to the flood plains, while visiting local communities, farmers and fishermen, calling the attention of the world for the need to protect this important river that starts in the threatened Cerrado savannas and forms the largest and most important floodplain in the world.

In 2019 we organized two trips for The Nature Conservancy, when they brought donors and part of their US team to visit some of their projects in Mato Grosso and Pará states. Birding Pantanal took care of all the logistics such as lodging, ground transport, meals, meetings, hiring private airplanes, and more.

In 2022 we had the opportunity to execute two trips for Proforest, an organization that makes the connection between buyers such as Nestlé and McDonalds with producers of crops and beef that have already implemented sustainable practices to their production and are offering a better quality to their production.

In 2023 we also had new opportunity to organize two trips in Mato Grosso and São Paulo area…

Every year we organize trips for Veterinary Expeditions, an organization that brings up to 21 American veterinarians to the Pantanal, where they get to see the biome and wildlife of the area and have lectures with leading Brazilian researchers specialized in our native fauna.

Last year we also did a trip for an American journalist who is writing about the Brazilian Cerrado for the National Geografic magazine, when he visited many different areas in central Brazil, getting to interview people from the agriculture and tourism industries, ecologists, park wardens, and indigenous leaders.


Our proposal

To assist your company and team in the planning of the upcoming trip and related events, offering our expertise to plan the itinerary, make hotel bookings, hire ground transport, service providers, request meeting rooms and catering services (coffee breaks), organize and hire optional external activities such as tourism excursions. An English-speaking guide will be with the group all the time, while the office staff will be overviewing the trip in close contact with the guide, service providers, and the Company team.

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