Southern Amazon – Birding the Cristalino River

The Cristalino Jungle Lodge is an avian paradise that has everything that makes Neotropical rainforest birding exciting: mixed-species flocks moving fast through the canopy and understory;

Availability: Year round

Gateway City: Alta Floresta – Mato Grosso – Brazil (AFL airport)

Duration: 4 to 7 days

Group size: Max 8 people

Departures: Daily

What to expect: good accommodation, easy to moderate terrain, moderate walks, exploring on foot and by boats, warm climate, occasional rainfalls.

“A true jungle experience in one of the best birding spots of the entire Amazon basin”

The Cristalino Jungle Lodge is an avian paradise that has everything that makes Neotropical rainforest birding exciting: mixed-species flocks moving fast through the canopy and understory; obligated antbirds attending army ant swarms; colorful dancing manakins; parrots, macaws, toucans, and cotingas; several species of monkeys; butterflies; and numerous rare and/or highly localized species that are difficult or impossible to find elsewhere. Located in the heart of a vast forest reserve, along a beautiful blackwater river, the lodge is surrounded by pristine forest and offers very good accommodations and food, an extensive trail system, two 50 meter high canopy towers, and a list of over 600 species of birds.

The trails are planned in a way to reach the many different microhabitats of the area. These include igapó (flooded) and terra firme (higher ground) forest, bamboo thickets, rock outcrops and deciduous forest, clay licks, and extensive high-canopy rainforest. The Alta Floresta region lies in the northern part of Mato Grosso state, encompassing the southern edge of Amazonian lowland rainforest. Situated between two large rivers (the Rios Tapajos and Xingu) which have, over time, acted as barriers to the dispersal of many bird species, the region boasts numerous range restricted birds and monkey species not found elsewhere.

Among the possibilities are Zigzag Heron, White-browed Hawk, Harpy Eagle, Cryptic Forest-Falcon (recently described), Dark-winged Trumpeter, Razor-billed Curassow, about 20 species of parrots (including five macaws, Red-fan, Orange-cheeked, White-bellied, and Kawall’s Parrots, and Golden-winged and Crimson-bellied Parakeets), eight species of toucans and aracaris, Jacamars, several Woodcreepers, Woodpeckers, Trogons, Puffbirds, Barbets, dozens of Antbirds, Manakins, Tanagers, the colorful Spangled and Pompadour Cotingas, Screaming Piha, Amazonian Umbrellabird, Hoatzins and much more.

The area also offers excellent chances for mammals such as Brazilian Tapir, Southern Tamandua, Giant and Neotropical River Otters, two species of peccary, and up to nine species of Monkeys (included White-whiskered Spider, Night, Dusky Titi, Red-handed Howler, Brown Capuchin, and Silvery Marmoset). Jaguars and Amazonian Anacondas are often seen along the river.

Highlights: Pristine jungle, endemics and local specialties, prime amazon birding, canopy towers, remote and comfortable lodge.

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